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SCOD 6, October 2007

We attended the Sixth SCOD (Stupendous Camporee Ojibwas District) on October 12 through 14. Five scouts from Troop 109 participated in the activities. It was a bit cold, but overall a nice campout. Mike earned the National Camping Award for camping 100 days and nights since joining Boy Scouts! The campout was held at Camp Kiwanis in Mason.

Scouts from Troop 109 at morning flags. They went as the Old Goat patrol.

One of the activities was "Fishing for snappers". The scouts had to lash a fishing pole together and "fish" for mouse traps.

Building a fising pole.

Catching a mouse trap

Another activity involved two scouts - one wearing a blindfold and the other acting as a guide.

Mike was the guide.

Guide the other scout to a water barrel.

The blindfolded scout must carry water back to the bucket.

Pouring the water into the bucket.

A "water gun" made from a backpack sprayer.

Try to knock the cups off the table.

Tossing "eggs" (actually plastic balls) into a bucket.

The "cow chip toss". THe "chips" were painted stryofoam.

Rescue the scout in the "lake".

We baked a coconut cake for the dessert competition.

A late season dragonfly rests on Mike's shoulder.

Toasting biscuits over the campfire at breakfast.

Assembling the patrol to go to morning flags.

Mike receives the National Camping Award.